Rapport - Vice President of Marketing

San Francisco + Edinburgh

  • Crafted the brand narrative for our pitch deck, advising Founders + CFO on messaging, and presentation coaching, leading to a $7MM Series A funding round led by Sands Capital

  • Directed a full rebrand + website redesign for Rapport with migration to Webflow, empowering Marketing team with a full site CMS, independent from product engineering resources (current LIVE site design + copy DOES NOT reflect this project. See homepage walkthrough below.)

  • Copywriter for all of Rapport website, product onboarding emails, scriptwriting for videos + demos, partnership messaging, etc.

  • Launched a bi-monthly newsletter with well above industry average OR + CTR

  • Produced international use case video, showcased at an invite-only event in London

  • Led marketing efforts for our partnerships with Capita, and Pandorabots leading to new potential customers + waitlist sign ups

  • Recruited and hired a marketing team from the ground up (virtually during the pandemic), setting up best practices for email marketing, content, events, brand consolidation, brand voice, etc.

  • Managed a fully remote team with members in five time zones (USx2, UK, Hungary, + Romania)

    Aug 2020: Hired as an Executive Marketing Consultant to create a GTM strategy for the early access launch of their new platform, Rapport.

    Nov 2020: I was impressed with the potential of the team and technology, and was asked to join full time as the Vice President of Marketing, and fourth U.S. hire.

Brand + Website redesign

Capita partnership use case video


Drops - Marketing + Partnerships


Solgaard - Brand Advising + Campaigns